Red Bull just never stop surprising, do they? Now they've come up with World Cliff Diving contests which are just absolutely amazing. While I was watching this I was thinking: scrap the Olympics, give me adrenaline!
The situation we're living through at the moment doesn't help either: tax rises and the privatisation of health whilst unemployment rates increase and household riches plummet. On top of this, the news gives us more and more information we'd rather not be hearing, how countries X and Y are deep down in the crisis and how others are discussing whether to help or not.
It has come to a stage where the first world is becoming poorer than it has been in years, and most people don't know how to handle it. We have been so pampered for so long that we have forgotten what struggling to pay our bills is like, how not being able to buy a new gadget feels and what the decrease in opportunity for new generations means.
Amid all this, media likes to play games with us, confusing what we know is true with what we're made to believe. It is a hard time to decide what side one is on, what is important for oneself and what values are essential for our souls to keep at rest. Viral ads tend to make us realise the world is tough out there, but by changing the channel to our favourite program or logging into Facebook we easily forget and re-immerse ourselves in the small universes we have created, the commodities which we can still afford in the first world.
It's easy to forget how life is much tougher for others and how luxurious we are, allowing ourselves to ignore and build up enough excuses not to help others out there. It is true that a person can hardly change the world; but we, as a community, as a force, as a power, WE can make a difference.
Charities are a good example of how to make a difference, how to enable communities to solve problems the most efficient way possible. They are, however, a source of indecisiveness and debate on whether they are legitimate or just profit making businesses. Hence, this post about the Kony 2012 project, a massive eye opener and a definite must see:
It's now your turn to decide: would you rather not get involved in a campaign against rape, murder and kidnapping because some people call it a scam, or would you like to give the campaign a chance to make a difference?
Sometimes life can be tough, but we still have to move on. Make decisions, take actions.