Saturday, 22 December 2012

Coming home

It's easy to convince oneself that dreams are possible, that we are invincible and that we are good at what we do. However, it takes just a sentence from someone you love to crush your dreams, make you stop believing in what you do and to think that life is too hard.

Don't take me wrong, these people love you. Your family, friends and those who surround you wish you the best; but they are scared. They are too scared to take risks, to break off from the conventional, to follow their wishes or to even let you follow your dreams. They don't dare to become who they really want to be.

Think about it: was Gandhi encouraged to stand up to violence as he did? Was Martin Luther King told to stand up against society at the time? What did Ray Charles' advisers tell him when he refused to play in a racially discriminatory theatre in Georgia?

Take any hero, anyone at all; how did they get there? What was their background? Who encouraged them?

It was but their strong personality, their stubbornness to make a change, their belief in themselves and what they did that made them strong. They achieved social recognition through individual power. They never let themselves down and achieved what nobody around them thought they would.

You need to remember:

You are strong, you can do whatever you want to do, you could be the next man on the moon if you so wished to; you just have to wish hard enough. Never let a scarcity of resources stop you. Never let those around you shatter your dreams. It is only you who knows what YOU want, what will make you happy and what will help you make a difference in the world.

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I find it funny when people ask for the meaning of life. There are 6 billion people on this planet; do you really think there is a single common meaning of life for us all? The meaning of life lies within you, within what is important for you and what you think you can do for the world. To this, the answer is not what people told you what the world needs; it is not abolishing hunger in the world, eradicating cancer or achieving world peace. Or is it? What you can do for the world might be playing football to entertain others, it could be managing corporations to enrich a country, it could be making rugs to keep houses warm or pretty. Who knows??

It is entirely up to you, never let anybody tell you the opposite, you are your own master, your own educator and your sole motivator; always believe in yourself and do what you think is best for you. Not what others tell you is best. The answer is always YES, yes you can achieve whatever you work for, yes you can make a difference in people's lives and most importantly, yes you can be happy. No matter what, the answer is YES,  YES YOU CAN.

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